Sunday, July 25, 2010

June 2010- 14 Months

June was a busy month for us! We started off the month at Lake Powell, and ended the month in Florida! Luckily Hazel loves the water and the beach- she had SO much fun!
Hazel loves spinach! Here she is licking the bowl to get every last drop :)
Because Haze had her tongue clipped when she was a baby- she now has the LONGEST tongue ever! She used to be able to totally roll it over, but she hasn't done that in a while. Now she just likes to show off how long it is!
 Hazel sleeps with a binky... we aren't ready to attempt to break her of that habit yet. It won't be pretty!
We love you so much!

Some things that happened during June:
  • She started putting her face under water while taking baths and blows bubbles- she thinks it is the funnies thing ever!
  • I told her to go get a diaper and lay down, and she did it! 
  • The dog was licking my leg (he licks everything) and Hazel was watching intently. She then walked up to me and started licking my leg too! The rest of the day she would walk over to me and start licking. 
  • Was diagnosed with hip dysplasia in May, and started sleeping with a brace at night. The first night I put it on her and she started bawling, and I started crying, and I leaned over her crib and said a prayer. She has to wear this brace at least until September, maybe longer, so I prayed that it wouldn't bother her and she would be able to sleep with it on. Immediately Hazel quieted down and went to sleep. 
  • She can say 'tickle tickle' in the cutest voice ever. She walks around the house tickling herself, us, the furniture, the dog, pictures in books, anything. 
  • Can hiss like a snake
    Isaac loves to hide, and yesterday hazel started to do it. she hides between the book shelf and the wall, and then giggles her head off when we come find her. If she is playing somewhere else, you just say, 'where's Hazel', and she runs and hides.

May 2010- 13 months

I have been so bad about keeping up this blog, but I promise to do better! A few pictures of 13 month old Hazel...
folding her arms for prayer
i love these little feet!
learning how to drink from a sippy while standing up- that's talent!
Dax sits right next to Hazel whenever she eats, ready to catch all the food she drops!
Hazel learned to walk in May- this was right before she learned. It seems like forever ago that she was crawling!
using her foot as phone
first pig tails
doing the 'itsy bitsy spider'
at the Kirtland temple
on Mother's day
at Niagra Falls

A few things about about Hazel at 13 months:
started saying ''amen' (says 'men') at the end of prayer
started walking!
when I would sing "How much is that doggy in the window" Hazel would bark (arf arf) with her top lip curled under her teeth, so darling!
says juice

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

3 and a half months!

Hazel has been adding all sorts of new tricks to her daily life! She now coos, gurgles, will occasionally laugh, loves to watch her mobile, can grab for things and hold on tight, is starting to put her hands around the bottle as she feeds, and can follow us as we walk around the room. We also got a Bumbo a week ago, and she loves spending a few minutes a day in it. She loves having books read to her, she loves being held but also loves her time on her play mat. She always smiles at the octopus that dangles above her head- Isaac said, "I guess she'll smile at anything with a face!"

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

10 weeks!

Hazel will be 10 weeks old on Thursday. I cannot believe it's been that long- but at the same time, I can't believe it has only been that long.

She is still sleeping 8-10 hours at night, which we couldn't love more! She is so happy and getting so strong.

At her last doctor appointment, she weighed 13 lbs 8 oz and was 23.5 inches long.

I uploaded a video of her giggling to our other blog. She is always smiling and starting to laugh (usually at something funny Isaac does!)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

just hanging out!

Hazel is five and a half weeks old! She sleeps about 8 hours a night (AMAZING!) and keeps me busy all day long. We love her so much. I am still working on getting her nursery all put together, but will post pictures as soon as it is done. Hazel sleeps in a bassinet in our room, so I haven't been in too big a hurry yet.

We took her to a follow up appointment at the cardiologist today, and every looked good. They did a weight check- she is up to 12 lbs 4 oz! She hasn't gotten much taller though, she is 22 inches. She is just a round ball of adorable-ness! We can't get enough of those cheeks!

Dax loves to snuggle with Hazel and lick her toes.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sweet Baby Hazel

Hazel's first Easter! She got two pacifiers (which she doesn't like) in her Easter basket, and an egg with her name written on it.

My dad couldn't get enough of this little girl- he wanted to hold her all the time!

This is outside Isaac's parents house on the day you came to visit.

time for a bottle...

or maybe just a thumb!

We had four showers while we were out in Utah, here are some pictures from them:

me and my cousin Jenny

all partied out!

the diaper cake that my best friend made

we had SO much luggage on the way home! Hazel did so good on both flights, she slept the entire time and people on the plane were so surprised (and happy) with how good she did. I am sure everyone around us was worried they'd be sitting by a screaming baby!

When we pulled up to our house, we found that our friends had put balloons all over and a big sign on the front door. It is good to be home!

These are just some of the clothes and other gifts we got at our showers. I am pretty sure Hazel is the most loved baby ever!!

Our friends here threw us a shower (our fifth!) and a friend made this beautiful cake with
"Sweet Baby Hazel" written on top.

It was 90 degrees here today, so Hazel spent the day relaxing in the swing and busting out of her newborn clothes. This was the first, and probably last, time she can wear this outfit!

We took her to the doctor for a check up a few days ago, and she is doing great. She weighs 10 lbs 7 oz!